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Pregnancy Health

Exercises during pregnancy

Exercises during pregnancy

This is a guide to help you stay active and fit during your pregnancy. Apart from your overall fitness, exercise in pregnancy helps with common pregnancy problems such as back pain and pelvic girdle pain. It is generally safe, except in certain conditions during pregnancy. Please discuss your tailored exercise plan with us at OBSGYN London, at your first booking…

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Nutrition in pregnancy

Nutrition in pregnancy

What to eat and what not to eat. Maintaining a nutritious diet during pregnancy is important for your well-being in pregnancy and childbirth. It also significantly impacts the long-term health of your unborn child. However, it is essential to be aware of specific food items to avoid during pregnancy. We have compiled a list below for your reference. CHEESE, MILK…

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Planning Your Pregnancy

Planning Your Pregnancy

Pre-conception Care Overview:Pre-conception care, as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO),encompasses biomedical, behavioral, and social health interventions aimed atimproving the health status of women and couples before conception occurs. Theultimate goal is to enhance maternal and child health outcomes in both the short andlong term. This comprehensive approach focuses on managing long-term healthconditions, eliminating risky behaviors, and promoting healthy…

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